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How much is my Warehouse worth ?

Especialistas en el mundo del vino


At Winestate we are specialists in the valuation of wine companies. If you need a valuation of your winery and/or vineyard prior to a sale, such as strategic disinvestment, due to succession problems or differences and conflicts with your partners, discover with Winestate the market value of your wine company to be able to make the correct decisions and informed.


Analizamos cada operación de manera personal, analizando no solo las situación financiera y su valoración a precio de mercado. Conocemos el arraigo personal y familiar que supone una bodega y/o el viñedo. Creamos una valoración independiente imprescindible para la toma de decisiones y poder planificar de forma exitosa la venta de su Bodega. 

Valuation for sale.


Seeking an equitable agreement is the main objective in these cases. Carrying out an objective, transparent assessment is the first step to facilitate future agreements between the different parties.

Assessment due to partner conflict


Analizamos las ofertas de compra de su empresa vitivinícola, para asegurar que reflejen el correcto valor. Nuestro equipo realizará una valoración para que usted valore si la oferta y las condiciones se ajustan a sus intereses y al valor de mercado. 

Do you have an offer?


We define the company's projections, analyze its capital structure and financial solidity; We determine the risk of the asset and offer a value estimate according to the market. We offer strategic guidance so you can make strategic decisions.

Strategic Orientation


Valuation Parameters 

There are different parameters to be able to prepare an assessment of a wine project. In our case we have a team of professionals. Industrial Experts, Oenologists, Agricultural Engineers and consultants who analyze and break down each of the fundamental parameters to prepare a correct assessment.



The location, access, construction quality, facilities, age, state of conservation, actual production capacity, growth possibilities, machinery conservation, typology of fermentation tanks, storage, barrel park, equipment cold, etc. are very important elements in the evaluation of a wine project.

winestate, consultoría vitivinícola, nuevos proyectos vitivinícolas, inversión en vino en españa, propiedades exclusivas, asesoría, puesta en marcha de bodegas, intermediación en la compra venta de bodegas
winestate, consultoría vitivinícola, nuevos proyectos vitivinícolas, inversión en vino en españa, propiedades exclusivas, asesoría, puesta en marcha de bodegas, intermediación en la compra venta de bodegas

Terroir refers to the expression of a whole set of factors, such as soil, topographic characteristics, microclimate and even in some cases the viticulture traditions of the region, captured in a wine. Terroir is crucial in winemaking, as it has a direct impact on the quality of the grapes and, therefore, the final flavor of the product. The soil, year of planting, varieties, plant clones, location, access, size of the farms, plantation settings. hectares, conservation, whether the vineyards are irrigated or dry land, years, etc. are just some of the parameters to be assessed.


  • Brand value is the value (positive or negative) that a winery has acquired over time and from the brand itself. What we call brand value is that intangible differentiating effect, which gives a competitive advantage and makes users prefer one wine or another. On their own, brands become a company's most valuable assets.

The brand

winestate, consultoría vitivinícola, nuevos proyectos vitivinícolas, inversión en vino en españa, propiedades exclusivas, asesoría, puesta en marcha de bodegas, intermediación en la compra venta de bodegas
winestate, consultoría vitivinícola, nuevos proyectos vitivinícolas, inversión en vino en españa, propiedades exclusivas, asesoría, puesta en marcha de bodegas, intermediación en la compra venta de bodegas

Regardless of economic valuations based on assets, discounted cash flows or market value. The valuation of wine stocks within a winery will depend on the different points or moments of aging, aging, storage, filtering, bottling or labeling of its wines.

During all these different processes, the wines undergo alterations and changes in their microbiological properties that can alter the organoleptic properties of the wines and consequently their value:

  • Brettanomyces. Foreign yeast found in vineyards.

  • Reduction. The opposite defect to oxidation of a wine is reduction.

  • Oxidation.

  • Acetic bite.

  • Lactic bite.

  • Protein bankruptcy.

  • Tartaric bankruptcy.

  • Cork.

The wines

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